About Our School » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

“Missing as little as two days a month (or 10% of the school year) significantly impacts a student’s ability to achieve in school. Research shows that students who miss this many days struggle to learn to read by the third grade, begin failing courses in middle school and drop out of high school” www.attendanceworks.org ). You can make a difference by bringing your child to school on time every day!

TMS Tardy Policy
5 tardies = Mandatory parent meeting
10 tardies = Referral to School Study Team SST. The SST team can refer to SARB

Truancy: A student is considered truant after 3 absences or 3 tardies of more than 30 minutes each time and the absences or tardies are unexcused. After a student is reported as a truant three or more times in a school year, the student is considered a habitual truant (Education code 4826, 48262, 48263.6)

TMS Attendance Policy
Step 1: Assistant Principal and/or Office Clerk will call home, conduct home visit, and reply to Administration, Counselor and Teacher regarding outcome

Step 2: Assistant Principal and counselor will also keep log of times of home visits and phone calls

1 absence = Attendance clerk will call home

Step 3: Student must get a re-admit slip if he/she is tardy 30 minutes or more and will be marked as a late (3 tardies = truant). Re-admits will be available in the front office issued by the Attendance Clerk.

All absent notes (parent, doctor’s office, dental office, etc.) must be given to the Attendance Clerk in the front office.

Chronic Absenteeism: A scholar is considered a chronic absentee when he/she is absent 10% or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date. Chronic absenteeism includes all absences- excused and unexcused- and is an important measure because excessive absences negatively impact academic achievement and student engagement (Education Code 60901).

Torch Scholars are expected to be here every day!
Attendance Toolkits for Parents
Click on the website and scroll down for attendance toolkit

Establishing School Routines Video by the National Parent Educational Toolkit

Tools for Working Parents
Check out these resources for working parents!
What can I do to help?
This page will guide you with more information on how you can help your child be at school everyday and what you can do when they are absent.