About Our School » Electronic Devices Policy

Electronic Devices Policy

Electronic devices such as CD players, radios, cameras, iPods, video games, and other equipment of this type are not allowed at Torch Middle School. The use of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal is prohibited as it disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline in the school.

Cellphones and smartphones may be brought to school but must be turned off during the school day and placed inside the backpack.

Cellphones and smartphones may only be used before and after school. With teacher permission, a smartphone can only be used to conduct research in class on a given topic.

Stolen Devices
Torch Middle School nor the Bassett Unified School District assumes any responsibility for any electronic device such as cell phone, ipod, camera, CD player etc., which are lost or stolen. Furthermore, please be aware that it is not the school’s responsibility to investigate lost or stolen electronic devices.

Disciplinary Actions

Violation of this policy can result in discipline referral up to and including detention and/or:

1st Action: Student may pick up electronic device at the end of the school day from the teacher or administrator.

2nd Action: Parent may pick up electronic device at the end of the school day from the administrator.

3rd Action: A conference will be scheduled with the principal, parent, and student.